Image courtesy of Mrs Roving Eye
Recently, there have been a lot of goals around in the world cup and since now the world cup had ended, I have decided it’s time to do a half a year review of my own goals (promises) for this year. Normally when we do a review for our goals, we should do it regularly but as my goals are more of a long term type, I have decided to do it half a year basis. As you can see, this is already in the month of July and I have seemed to have slacked off the time chart. However, just to have a quick update for my 3 promises that I want to achieve in Year 2010.
1) Prepare and participate in a 42KM Marathon.
As I have mentioned previously in my blog that I have already completed my 16km marathon in march 2010, my next target will be 21km in 12 sept 2010 (Singapore Bay Run aka Army Half Marathon [AHM]) and the final goal is 42km (Standard Charter Run) in 5 Dec 2010. I have already signed up the two marathons. Currently, I have already been running regularly every week at my neighbourhood park and occasionally with my colleagues for longer distance plus weekend sports games like badminton or soccer with my friends. I believe there should not be any problems with the final run in Dec.
2) Read at least 15 self-help books
I have managed to complete this goal by reading more than 15 books already but I am going to continue to read as reading seems to be a joyful thing to me now compared to last time. I felt that the books that authors wrote are actually a place where they can share their lifetime knowledge that they have in their books. Will give a final update on the books I have read this year towards the end of the year so that you can have a view of the books I have read so far this year. Personally, I can say this year I have read a lot of books compared to any years I have last time and this actually make me feel great.
3) Make a consistent 4 figure income online and at least a 5 figure for one month
Currently, I am still working on this as I have only managed to make a consistent 2 figures income online per month which I know is a pretty insignificant amount compared to someone who is working part time at Mac Donald’s. Personally, I have been learning and working on this internet marketing field for 1 year plus and I have realized I have not really take it seriously as a business stand point. I have been using my employee mindset to see the returns of investments which stopped myself from achieving what I am supposed to be achieving now. Personally, I have done some changes in my mindset and will try to step out of my comfort zone.
Here’s a quote which I found recently that caused me to think through:
When the record book on you is finished, let it show your wins and losses. But don’t let it show you didn’t try ~ Jim Rohn
Personally, I feel that goal number 1 and 2 can be achieved easily so I will not put in extra effort in them. However, now I will focus on one goal and I will update my progress again once I have made a more significant increase for my goal number 3.
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