Personally, I am pretty delighted when I first received my results for the Singapore Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Exam as I managed to pass it with just one try. I am considered lucky as I have classmates who have taken it for a few times before passing it and some of them have not even pass it yet due to their lack of English understanding especially those older generation with their first language as Chinese. Anyway, I am going to share with you how I managed to pass the exam with just one try. I hope this post will be beneficial to those who are currently taking the RES exam as it comes from my own personal experience of taking it.
Before telling you exactly how I managed to pass the real estate salesperson exam with just one try, I have to highlight something to those who are taking my tips to prepare their res exam. Please don’t take things too hard and put the blame on me if you didn’t pass the exam after following my tips as it is really all based on your own understanding. Just remember to have faith in yourself that you will definitely make it if you put your heart into studying it.
Okay, let’s start with the scratch of how to get into the real estate industry first. Firstly, you need to find a real estate company that will provide you a place for you to take the real estate salesperson course before taking the exam. It is compulsory for anyone who wish to join the Singapore real estate industry to take the course unless you are existing old agents. It will be great if you know someone who is already doing it full-time as the person can be your mentor when you join the company. Personally, I do have friend who is working full-time in her real estate business but I did not join her as I want to join a bigger company. After taking the real estate course, you will be given a certificate of completion by the school that you attended and this is the certificate that you used to register for the RES exam. I will not go into the detail of which agency to join or where to take the exam as all these you can ask me in the comment section of this post. I will go straight to the point of how to prepare for your RES exam in order to pass within a try.
Those of you who have taken the RES exam will know that there are two papers to take and the following is the RES exam format:
RES Exam Format:
- Paper 1: 70 MCQs and 15 short answer questions (100 marks)
- Paper 2:
- Part I: 60 MCQs (carries 60 marks)
- Part II: 60 MCQs (max 40 marks)
- Candidates must PASS BOTH PAPERS in a single sitting.
- Candidates will be allowed to retake only their failed Paper from the August 2011 RES examination onwards.
A good news for everyone who is taking the res exam is that from August 2011 RES examination onwards, candidates can retake their failed paper which is really a good thing as you just imagine those who took before August 2011 and failed. They have to retake both papers again and spend the extra money on it. Anyway, after seeing the above RES exam format, you might think it is easy to pass and that’s my first initial thought too when I am taking the course and I think that since it is mostly in MCQ, it shouldn’t be so hard to choose the right answer. However, after hearing the results from my course tutor, I realised the failing rate is quite high but don’t worry if you do study hard for it and there is definitely hope of passing it as there are also people passing it.
Here’s my study tips that managed to help me passed my RES exam with just one try:
– Always make a point to attend all the lessons of the RES course to understand the real estate industry and its terms
– Take down important points that your course tutor mentioned
– Try to read the notes after each class on that particular chapter that your course tutor taught. Try to read it within 24 hours or revise that particular chapter within that week in order to remember what is going on for that chapter.
– Make sure you have read through the whole notes at least once.
– Get sample questions from your course tutor as it is very important to know how the exam questions look like and how they question it. (Normally, course tutor will try to consolidate the past exam questions from those who have took it before)
– Attend the last few revision lesson from your course centre as your course tutor will go through the important points on each topics
– Focus your time on those important topics first and prepare your own notes by writing them down.
– Try not to study the whole stack of notes as you will be confused over everything. Just focus on those important topics that you have written your own notes on. All sorts of calculation is a must know as you need it for real life situation too.
– Make sure you prepared your notes earlier and have at least 2 days clear for studying your own notes. Remember there is a lot of things to remember so in order to play safe, 2 days is the minimum.
– Prepare paper 1 first and follow by paper 2. Once you finish preparing for both, revise on paper 1 notes again to prepare for the day 1 paper 1 exam.
– Prepare all the necessary items like NRIC, pencil, pen, eraser, calculator and sweater (for keeping warm). Make sure you have a good night sleep before the actual exam.
– On actual exam day, make sure you are not doing any last minute revision outside the exam hall as it will make you confuse and unable to concentrate on the exam.
– Don’t panic if you don’t know how to answer certain question. Try to move on to the next question without stopping your momentum. Just circle the question you don’t know and go back to it when you have finished the whole paper.
– Tick on those questions that you have confident on getting a mark and have a rough calculation of how many total marks you will get from the paper. Do this exercise when you have finished the whole paper and is doing checking. If you can’t have a minimum of 30 ticks for each paper, this shows that you have not prepared well for the paper and what you need is purely luck for you to pass the exam.
– Prepare the exam for the 2nd paper for the day after paper 1 and do your best accordingly.
Make sure you have faith in yourself and don’t panic when you are taking the exam as staying focus is the key to passing the exam. What you need is really staying focus to let you remember the things you have learnt so far and apply them on answering the questions. Don’t worry too much as it will not help, just remember the reasons why you want to take this exam and it will get you through. No point worrying as you should have been well-prepared what is needed for the exam and what you just need is do your best. I really hope that this post will help those who are preparing for the real estate salesperson exam and do update me if you manage to pass the RES exam with my tips as I will be very happy to know about it.
For those who are not taking any exams at all, I do hope you can grab some indirect tips from this post about how preparation is important towards your own journey to success. Although our success is not measure by an exam, you will know whether you have prepared yourself well enough for the real life situation or not. Therefore, start preparing yourself and do your best along the way. Cheers.
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