You did not read wrongly about the title of this post as I have just managed to clear my desk after about 20 years of my life. Please don’t get me wrong as I did not wait for 20 years then start getting rid of clutter but instead this is the first time I actually manage to clear my desk to leave space for me to put my laptop on.
I have been staying in a 4-room flat with a family of 5 including me and for the past 20 over years, I have been sharing a room with my brother. AÂ normal 4-room flat is about 90 square metres with 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 living room and 2 bathrooms so you can imagine how big a room is with all those places in the flats. Although I have a table, I did not really make use of the table to study or work because normally I have a lot of things on my table that cause me to be unable to actually do any other stuff on it. Usually, I will read or write anything by sitting at the side of my bed and use the bed as the table top.
I have been cleaning my table once in a while throughout the past 20 plus years of my life and I did not really make full use of the table to perform any tasks. Recently, I have been listening to some management audio books talking about getting rid of clutter in our life especially those things that may not be exactly important to us. The process of clearing is very fun as I have managed to clear almost 80% of my cupboard clothes and 50% of my unwanted table stuff. The reasons why I took this action of getting rid of all these clutter is actually because I want to be more productive in my life as I realize whenever I reach home after work, I will feel like sleeping more than getting to work on my personal project. I have been pondering about the reasons why and realize that since my working area is on my bed, the bed will definitely relate me to resting or sleeping. I realize I am more productive at work when my desk is not full of clutter so therefore I decided to actually clear my room to get myself clear of clutter.
If you have a cupboard full of clothes, it is actually time to start clearing it like what I did as usually we do not actually wear all the clothes we have in our cupboard. Usually, we will wear only 20% of the clothes in our cupboard and there will be clothes which we will not wear at all so it will be great for you to donate those to salvation army (charity). It is actually a very fun process to clear your clutter as you will feel more energy in your room especially if it is your work station. Therefore, take the action to start getting rid of the clutter in your life right now as I believe you will feel much better after doing this exercise.
P.S. This blog post is written on the table beside my bed after the 3 hours of getting rid of the clutter. However, I have only managed to clear 20% but I believe this will definitely be one of the great steps towards my journey to success.
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